De Padvinder

padvinder_cover(first published ca. 1920-1930)

Language: Dutch

Een kort maar spannend verhaal voor kinderen, gelezen door Wisse (9 jaar) en Floris (7 jaar).
Karel woont met zijn familie op een afgelegen boerderij in Noord-Brabant, dichtbij een grote rivier. Zijn broers en zussen zijn allemaal veel ouder, dat vindt Karel niet leuk. Als er padvinders dichtbij komen kamperen heeft Karel een mooie zomer. Die winter stijgt het water in de rivier, en midden in de nacht dreigt een overstroming. Hoe kunnen ze de buren op tijd waarschuwen? (Summary by Anna Simon)

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Emily Climbs

(first published 1925)

meyrink_spaetewerkeLucy Maud Montgomery 1874-1942

Language: English
Teenage orphan Emily Starr of New Moon has always wanted to be a great writer. But her old-fashioned aunt, who has never liked Emily’s writing, refuses to let Emily go to high school unless she stops! Shrewsbury brings new friends, new adventures, and new enemies, and the town is scandalized by some of Emily’s exploits. Perhaps the hardest trial is having to board with her Aunt Ruth. Or is it her promise to Aunt Elizabeth? But Emily’s troubles are only the beginning of her climb to success … and perhaps romance.
(Summary by Rachel)

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The Tale of Little Pig Robinson

(first published 1930)LittlePigRobinson_CoverArt

Beatrix Potter 1866-1943
Language: English

“Poor Pig Robinson Crusoe!
Oh, how in the world could they do so?
They have set him afloat, in a horrible boat,
Oh, poor pig Robinson Crusoe!” – from the book

The charming story of Robinson, the pig from Edward Lear’s poem The Owl and the Pussycat. Robinson is sent to market by his aunts, both of whom are two fat to go themselves. (Summary by Rachel)

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Zsivajgó természet

(first published 1930)

Kosztolányi Dezső (1885 – 1936)
Language: Magyar

The original text of this recording is in the Public Domain in countries where copyright expires 70 years or less after the author’s death, but is still protected by copyright in the USA and some other countries. Please check the copyright law of your country before downloading.
The recording is released under the Creative Commons license CC0.

Mi járhat a kutya fejében farkcsóválás közben, és mi lehet a cseresznye véleménye a világról? Ebben a könyvben Kosztolányi Dezső elkalauzol minket az állatok, virágok, fák, gyümölcsök és ásványok gondolataiba. (Az ismertetőt írta: Majlinger Diána)

What is the dog thinking about when it wags its tail, and what is the cherry’s opinion of the world? In this book Dezső Kosztolányi takes us into the thoughts of animals, flowers, trees, fruits and minerals. (Summary by Diana Majlinger)

Total running time: 1:14:26 – Read in Hungarian by Diana Majlinger

01 – Virágok beszéde – 0:08:15
02 – Fák beszéde – 0:09:41
03 – Állatok beszéde – 0:14:38
04 – Madarak beszéde – 0:11:45
05 – Bogarak beszéde – 0:06:05
06 – Rovarok beszéde – 0:07:29
07 – Lepkék beszéde – 0:04:09
08 – Gyümölcsös-kosár – 0:06:11
09 – Ásványok beszéde – 0:03:16
10 – Drágakövek beszéde – 0:02:39

In addition to the reader, this audio book was produced by:
Dedicated Proof-Listener: Kacsa
Meta-Coordinator/Cataloging: Hokuspokus

Catalogued 25. August 2012