Janko Hraško

(read edition published 1933)

Pavol Dobšinský (1828 – 1885)
Language: Slovenčina / Slovak

Kniha Janko Hraško obsahuje štyri ľudové rozprávky zahrňujúce príbeh o malom chlapcovi s veľkým srdcom: Janko Hraško (podobný anglickej ľudovej rozprávke “Tom Thumb”).

Janko Hraško contains four Slovak folk tales including Johnny Little Pea, the story of a very small boy who has a big heart. (Summary by Andrej Konušík)

The original text of this recording is in the Public Domain in countries where copyright expires 70 years or less after the author’s death, but is still protected by copyright in the USA and some other countries. Please check the copyright law of your country before downloading.
The recording is released under the Creative Commons license CC0.

Total running time: 1:05:34 – Read in Slovak by Andrej Konušík, Žilinská Univerzita, Mediamatika a kultúrne dedičstvo

01 – Janko Hraško – 7:58
02 – Radúz a Ľudmila – 23:18
03 – Pani Mačička – 16:35
04 – Ružová Anička – 17:43

In addition to the reader, this audio book was produced by:
Dedicated Proof-Listener: Stanka Ratulovská,
Meta-Coordinator/Cataloging: Viktor

Catalogued 8. April 2013