~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello -vik

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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by Viktor »

Apologies for the delay. Now that LV has updated its numbering, I updated our version of vol. 7. The MCs can also preview the catalog page. If everything is OK, I can publish it.

Nitpick: The LV file names are fine, but I think the tags of section 11 and later might need updating, too ?
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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by gioachin »

Hi Viktor,

Took some time to answer because I've been on vacation last week without much internet access (only my phone).

The page looks good. A few notes/answers below:

1) I am not sure I follow what tags should be updated... I checked a sample of the files both here and in LV, and the tags seem all fine...

2) Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, but the "catalog page" gives me a 404...

3) Since the main target are Italian listeners, I would suggest having the top disclaimers in Italian too (not all Italians can read and understand English). I am adding here below the translations of the two sentences you have in the download page.
You can also add the summary description used in LV.

Le sezioni demarcate con un asterisco (*) sono disponibili solo su Legamus, essendo esse di dominio pubblico solo in stati con copyright scadenti a 70 anni dalla morte dell'autore. Le altre sezioni sono disponibili anche su LibriVox.
-- The sections marked with a star (*) are only available on Legamus, as they are only public domain in life+70 countries. All other files are also available on LibriVox.

Il testo originale di queste registrazioni è di Dominio Pubblico in nazioni dove il diritto d'autore cessa 70 anni dopo la morte dell'autore (o prima), come in Italia. Esse sono però ancora protette dal diritto d'autore negli USA e in altre nazioni. Siete pregati di controllare la legge sul diritto d'autore nella vostra nazione prima di scaricarle.
== (I'm not sure if the life+70 is valid throughout all Europe; if it is, you can use "Europa" instead of "Italia")
-- The original text of this recording is in the Public Domain in countries where copyright expires 70 years or less after the author’s death, but is still protected by copyright in the USA and some other countries. Please check the copyright law of your country before downloading.

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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by Viktor »

Hello Filippo,

finally we get this project moving to finish!

(1) Either somebody was super-fast in correcting, or I was dreaming. Sorry for the noise.

(2) You must be logged into the catalog to see it. It's still a "Draft". That's why I said only MCs can see it, I should have been more explicit.

(3) You're talking about the download page? That one is automatically generated and not handwritten. I did build in a translation system, so I have no problem putting only Italian texts there. But the summary should stay on the catalog page. The download page is not a catalog page, just a nice-looking way of getting to the files. Once there is a proper database in place, we can look at that separation again.

All the best,
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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by gioachin »

Glad that we are reaching the end :)

2) Yes, I figured that out later... I did a few small modifications. The page overall looks good.

3) I actually forgot that there was a catalog page linking to that... never mind my comment.

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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by Viktor »

Hi Filippo,

let's give it the final push, shall we?

Please have a look at the following pages. The password is just "legamus".
vol.7 - http://legamus.eu/blog/?p=294
vol.8 - http://legamus.eu/blog/?p=547
vol.9 - http://legamus.eu/blog/?p=551
vol. 12 - http://legamus.eu/blog/?p=556
You have edit access to the blog, so if you find some problem, do not hesitate to correct it.

Of course I'll have to adapt the publishing date.
When everything is OK from your side, I'll try to publish one short summary pointing to the four volumes - so that we don't push everything else off the front page.
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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by gioachin »

Hi Viktor,

I checked the four posts, and all seems good. :)

I guess we are ready for the final push.
If you need an Italian translation of a short summary, let me know.

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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by Viktor »

The four posts are now public and yet they do not appear on the front page. Magic!

Good idea about an Italian summary. What about something like this?

first the general description ("<strong>Novelle per un anno</strong> è una raccolta di 241 novelle scritte[...] Le raccolte sono state pubblicate tra il 1896 e il 1924.")

then :

"Most of the stories in the following four collections have already been published on LibriVox. Now the others have also been recorded, which are not Public Domain in the USA. Click below for the complete collections."

then four links: vol. 7 - vol. 8 - vol. 9 - vol. 12
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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by gioachin »

I apologize for the long delay in my reply...
Here is the complete translated text to use for the combined post.
Viktor, where did you get the "tra il 1896 e il 1924"? I wonder if in some description of one of the books I put the wrong dates... it is quite confusing to get all these dates right... there are so many, hehe

<strong>Novelle per un anno</strong> è una raccolta di 241 novelle scritte da Luigi Pirandello. Originariamente sono state pubblicate sul Corriere della Sera, successivamente ripubblicate in 15 raccolte. Inizialmente erano previste 24 raccolte contenenti 365 novelle, tuttavia la prematura morte dell’autore ha impedito il raggiungimento del traguardo. Postume sono state pubblicate altre novelle scritte dall’autore. Le raccolte sono state pubblicate tra il 1922 e il 1938.

La settima, ottava, nona e dodicesima raccolta, edite tra il 1924 e il 1928, contengono novelle pubblicate tra il 1897 e il 1928. Esse sono già state parzialmente pubblicate su LibriVox, parzialmente in quanto alcune novelle sono ancora protette da diritto d'autore negli USA. Ora, finalmente, sono disponibili anche le restanti novelle qui su Legamus. Potete trovare tutte le novelle di queste quattro raccolte ai seguenti link. (Le novelle presenti solo su Legamus sono demarcate da un asterisco).

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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by Viktor »

Please review our final catalogue page:


(password "legamus")

The wrong dates were probably my mistake, I must have copied that from the wrong collection; they do not show in any of the four collections that are of concern here.
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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by gioachin »


Corrected a few dates in all the posts (individual books and summary of the four). All looks good now for final public posting.

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Re: ~[ITALIAN] Novelle per un anno vol. 14 di L. Pirandello

Post by Viktor »

Done! Finally done!

This project is now complete! All audio files can be found on our catalog pages:
http://legamus.eu/blog/?p=274 and http://legamus.eu/blog/?p=729
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