Uploading to Free.fr

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Uploading to Free.fr

Post by Viktor »

You can use the web interface http://dl.free.fr for files of up to 1GB.
For files between 1GB and 10GB you must use FTP.

Fichier à envoyer = File to send

Me notifier du lien par email = Notify me by e-mail
This e-mail account will receive both the download and the deletion link.
After a successful upload, both links are also shown to you as the result.

You may add more e-mail addresses in the three lines below. They will only receive the download link, and optionally the content of what you write in the textfield below.

Proteger votre fichier par mot de passe - protect the file with a password. Not necessary.

Envoyer = Send

After the upload, wait some moments for the anti-virus test. After that, you see a message: Le fichier sera accessible à l'adresse suivante:
That's the URL of your file.
The following link is the deletion link.

When you click on the download link,
you don't see many ads but you still have to click on the (small) link
Télécharger ce fichier.

You can group files into a "community", but that can be done in a second step;
first you can upload your file as described. Keep both download and
deletion link!
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Re: Uploading to Free.fr

Post by RuthieG »

Viktor wrote:When you click on the download link,
you don't see many ads but you still have to click on the (small) link
Télécharger ce fichier.
But if you add the file name to the link, you get an immediate download without having to click any further link. e.g. http://dl.free.fr/gxkEdx1cJ/prophet_1_gibran.mp3

Or am I cheating? :lol:

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Re: Uploading to Free.fr

Post by Viktor »

Try to open a fresh browser session and to paste the long URL into it. Does it still work? When I tested, it didn't!
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Re: Uploading to Free.fr

Post by kattekliek »

Viktor wrote:Try to open a fresh browser session and to paste the long URL into it. Does it still work? When I tested, it didn't!
Indeed, these links expire quickly. They want downloaders to actually visit their website, and making such temporary links prevents deeplinking.
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Re: Uploading to Free.fr

Post by ashleighjane »

http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae28 ... 141556.png

I'm guessing that this means that my recording exceeded 1GB which makes no sense because the first recording I uploaded was longer than this one :?

Maybe it would help if I could read French, but I have no idea what to do now : :o :( :x
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Re: Uploading to Free.fr

Post by Viktor »

Your screenshot just shows the standard description of the service, no error message. What happened? Did the upload complete but you didn't see the links? Maybe you have to wait for the mail to arrive (can take hours, as there is some more processing in the background). If nothing arrives, just try again, or try http://ge.tt

Did you already succeed once with uploading to dl.free.fr ?
Last edited by Viktor on Wed 15. Jun 2011, 23:28, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Uploading to Free.fr

Post by ashleighjane »

Oops...i think there was some confusion there because i tried to use the site on two different web browsers :?

I forgot I had to wait for an email. I'll wait until tomorrow to see if it comes through, and if not, try again.
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