Under Milk Wood

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Under Milk Wood

Post by Craig »

I have been desperate to do a recording off this Dylan Thomas epic. I've contacted the copy-write holders a few times over the years, but never really achieved anything.

I understand that Dylan Thomas' work comes out of copywrite on the 4th January 2023. Most of my recording over the past five years has been through Librivox. Because of the US connection it would not be viable to try and organise it through them.

I have recorded for Legamus previously under the Name Craigos, but was not able to get into my account, so have started from scratch!

Is this something that could be done through Legamus? If so.....Where do I start?

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Re: Under Milk Wood

Post by Viktor »

Hello Craig,

I tried to reach out via e-email - very sorry about the long time this message had to wait before approval. Hopefully approvals happen faster from now on; you can post directly and your message will be visible immediately.

Dylan Thomas should be fine for Legamus, only from this year onwards (authors "fall" in the Public Domain on the first day of the year following the 70th anniversary of their death.

E-texts are available from Project Gutenberg Australia and Faded Pages. Do you want to do this as a dramatic recording? then the challenge would be to get enough readers from life+70 countries. (Let alone Welsh-savvy readers...)
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Re: Under Milk Wood

Post by Craig »

Hi Viktor

I've had a look through the Australian Gutenburg edition of Under Milk Wood. It seems fine.


I think this project would just need a small group. It would be possible to play multiple parts. My intention would be to be 'the first voice' and take on some other parts as well.

My preference would be for female parts and male parts to be read in that way and because of the very distinct setting of the story, I would prefer to mimic Welsh accents. I am Welsh myself and would be able to help with pronunciation.

I am familiar with doing projects where dramatic parts are recorded separately and I would then do the editing. This would be my preferred option.

To move forward, what would you need me to do do? Shall I list the parts?

I hope I am not making things difficult for you?

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Re: Under Milk Wood

Post by Viktor »

I notice that the play is "published in 1954". I do hope that no one else but Dylan Thomas, who died in 1953, holds the rights.

The next step is to post in the "New Projects Launch Pad". There is a project generator here: viewtopic.php?t=718 I'm happy to fill it out, but from you, I'd need:

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Re: Under Milk Wood

Post by Craig »

Hi Viktor

Before we go any further I think I need to make sure this is not going to cause any problems for Legamus.


The suggestion is that the copywrite remains in place in some locations. I'm guessing this should mean that the recording could be done, but only made public in certain areas.

Shall I go ahead or would it be best to leave it?
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Re: Under Milk Wood

Post by Viktor »

Feel free to contact them, and to ask them if "Under Milk Wood" is now in the public domain in life+70 countries, or if they are any "special" conditions that would prevent this.

Of course it will still be under copyright in the US - like all other Legamus content.
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Re: Under Milk Wood

Post by Viktor »

I created a new thread in the "New Projects Launch Pad" and moved your last post there.
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